
”Dream” perks are only available in Silicon Valley

Employees of technology companies in Silicon Valley (USA) enjoy privileges that are not everywhere like free car rental, vacation around the world.

Silicon Valley employees often work at the most luxurious office buildings as technology firms are racing to attract talent. Free lunch or dinner is now the default offer that everyone has. Some businesses also offer attractive offers such as vacation rentals and family expenses. Others bring laundry, entertainment, health care and many other benefits to employees in the office.

Apple usually organizes annual beer parties every December with free drinks, aperitifs, music shows for employees.

Airbnb employees earn US $ 2,000 a year to go on vacation anywhere in the world.

Asana gives each employee $ 10,000 to customize his workspace.

Facebook offers $ 4,000 for newly-married parents, in addition to helping employees adopt or freeze eggs to be mothers in the future.

Zillow helps mothers send breast milk to their babies at home in case they have to go on business.

Amazon employees are brought cats and dogs to work so they never have to be away from them.

Square invites massage, traditional medicine and acupuncture professionals to provide health care for employees.

Oracle provides dry cleaning service, which is right at the office for everyone to look good when needed.

VMware allows employees to take 2 days off if their pets die.

Netflix is ​​one of the best companies if you have children. You are allowed to take maternity leave for 1 year.

Tesla employees can borrow company cars to work and keep them on weekends.

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