
Docker file, create images manually and create images from docker file

Continuing the series of basic docker exercises in this article, we will learn the docker file, practice building docker image manually and build image with docker file.

The work we do will be as follows

  • Create the image from the centos base image
  • Image with built-in httpd server
  • htop
  • vim
  • Copy the data file index.html to the var / ww / html directory on the background execution container / usr / sbin / httpd When the container from this image runs, it will run the httpd web server

Create data

First of all we need to create data. Create a mycode folder containing the myimage directory, inside the myimage folder create a test.html file with basic html content

Edit html file

Practice building manually

Create cent containers from latest version centos images using command

docker run -it --name cent centos:latest

Next, run the command yum update to update the centos of the container

Next, install httpd and httpd-tools using the command

yum install httpd httpd-tools -y

After the installation is complete, we can test httpd with the command httpd -v

Next we install vim yum install vim -y

To install the htop we need to install the extended distribution repository

We have finished installing httpd, htop, vim. Next, we proceed to copy the data that is created test.html file to the working directory / var / www / html on the container.

First of all, you need to get out of the running container by pressing ctrl + p, ctrl + q

  • Run the docker ps command to check that docker is running
  • Copy data from host machine into the container with the command docker cp /home/nguyen.van.thinhb/Documents/mycode/myimage/test.html cent:/var/www/html
  • Go to the container to check if the data has been copied or not

We see that the test.html file is already in the container

Next we pack this container into images

  • First of all, you need to exit and close the container with the exit command
  • Pack the container named cent just made up images named imagecent

So that the image has been created, now we try to create the container and run the httpd server from the image we just created with the command

docker run --rm -p 6789:80 imagecent:latest httpd -D FOREGROUND

The -rm parameter so that when the container is off, it will also automatically delete this container

The -p 6789:80 parameter to map port 6789 on the host machine to port 80 on the container

The parameter -D FOREGROUND to run in the background

Then access port 6789 in the browser on the host and you will see that the container’s httpd server is running

We have built our images manually, and we will do this with the docker file

Practice building with dockerfile

Create docker file

We create docker file in the directory myimage, cd into the myimage directory and create with the command touch Dockerfile

Open Dockerfile and edit the contents as follows

Explain this section:

FROM centos:latest specifies the original image as images centos: latest

RUN commands to execute commands like update centos ..

WORKDIR installs the default working directory

EXPOSE sets up the listening port on the container

ADD to copy data from host machine into container

ENTRYPOINT is the process that runs by default when creating containers

CMD [“-D”, “FOREGROUND”] is the parameter for ENTRYPOINT

Run the docker file to generate the image

In the directory yet, run the command Dockerfile

docker build --rm -t dockerfileimage -f Dockerfile .

After running the build images we see a terminal running 12 processes corresponding to the commands we create in Dockerfile, when finished, then we check with the command images docker images will show images dockerfileimage has been successfully created.

Create the container from the newly created image and run the httpd web server

We have created the dockerfileimage image now we create the container and run the httpd web server from this image

Run the command docker run --rm -p 6789:80 dockerfileimage

The container has been created and is running a web server, now we access the web server of the container with a browser with port 6789 and see the web server working.


Above is the basic content of docker file, let’s wait for the next part, thank you everyone.

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