Dev’s heart: Be humble in programming


WARNING: Very long article, do not read, read it will not draw any lesson: ~

3:00 AM

I’ve been studying programming for over 2 years, but it’s not true. It must have been since 2011 until now, from the moment I got the computer, I had to wait for my mother to have internet to play this game. But I do not have much gaming talent, in grade 7 I learn to be DJ with Virtual DJ, also mix all kinds of music, then to Photoshop, picture my friends, then make Video Clip with Proshow Producer …


In the 8th and 9th grade, I learned how to do the web, initially doing some Drag and Drop websites (dragging and dropping components to create content for the website), then, seeing that I didn’t like it very much, so decided to learn how to create a website, which is html, css, php. In fact, until now, I only know html includes 3 tags head, title and body and also not sure if it is correct or not. Learning early, learning more “expressing colors” is enough, write on the board for you to look at (actually no one cares about the code). Then add the destructive game that I made with my friend, on a “school level” scale, taking advantage of the school’s wifi router (not responsible for the network setup person), leaving id and pwd (short for PassWorD) by default. , let me log in, and control, on that fateful day, when my school organizes a Math exam online (before that I intend to take the exam but do not review, jealous of you, so I broke), I broke that modem by resetting the configuration, causing the modem to not provide the internet, so you stopped, about 15 ′ after having the fix and continue the test.


Then add a lie to forget the item in the library, tell him to protect the key, the purpose is to reset the modem to re-set the id and pwd to the default (the purpose to do business later), later the case “Hack” facebook (guess pwd is harassing phone number) of your little one, actually the person I like, want to find out if he is familiar with any guy, intentionally leave a trace, message with the guy you match Working with me at the above mission: “I hacked the xyz’s facebook to text you :))”, after that, she changed her password and I never entered her eyes: ‘((

By the 10th grade, I almost forgot all because I went to school far away, had no computer, only a touch phone, stroked claws, was quite smooth ^^. In the summer of that year, I started to “change” from here, I was sent to a computer because I wanted to follow the IT industry, then, I began to aspire to take the HSG Tin exam, I found the book, In the provincial library, to find the book of the News, oh my god, stop with that terrible tangle, that feeling, until now I have not forgotten it, I do not know them, but they do not know much To me, so I gave up, I justified myself with the thought of: “You guys are going to take the exam, you guys create a practical product, apply it to your beautiful life. both, just books. ”


So started “flying” as “practical application” so studying C #, opening “C # for beginners”, oh well, what they say, do, I don’t understand anything. The nature of me is not consistent so do this and do it but never succeed, I switched to C, I started to understand and understand the “principle” of programming language. Then I learned C ++ and then algorithm …

Now I am 12, I have completed the “parking lot” of a competition before, I am always a lucky guy, my friends compliment me, I hear it is proud, but it is going to be a great humiliation , an unprecedented humiliation for a bragging person who likes to show himself to others … I am trying to change, and you change with me, don’t prove yourself dangerous. Nobody will taste you, because everyone wants to be safe.

My ugly lesson is for you, the humble person.

Be quiet! And turn your success into noise.

3:51 AM

ITZone via daynhauhoc

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Source : TechTalk