
Deploying Confluent Kafka (Enterprise) for Kubernetes

Confluent Kafka makes it easy to connect your applications and systems to data streams and process them in real time. Confluent Platform provides a simpler solution to deploying Kafka clusters on Docker and Kubernetes than Apache Kafka


  • Kubectl and Helm 3 already installed
  • For this tutorial, your Kubernetes cluster is assumed to already have a default dynamic storage provisioner . Use the kubectl get sc command to check if the Kubernetes cluster has a default dynamic storage provisioner.

Step 1: Create a namespace

Set the confluent namespace to the default namespace

Step 2: Install Confluent Platform for Kubernetes

Add Confluent to Helm repository.

Install Confluent Platform using helm

Make sure the Operator is running and ready before going to the next step

Step 3: Install Confluent Platform components

Confluent Platform components include:

  • Zookeepers
  • Kafka Brokers
  • Kafka Connectors
  • KsqlDB
  • Control Center (Kafka Web UI)
  • Schema Registry
  • Kafka Rest Proxy

Install a producer app and create a topic for testing.

Check if everything is Running and Ready:

Step 4: Create External Load balancer for Control Center

Create a file control-center.yaml with the following content:

Use kubectl to apply the configuration file and check if the Load balancer has been created successfully

Open the Web Browser and go to the address <External-IP>:9021

Brief introduction about Control Center:

Here is the main interface:

Brokers: Monitor the status of Brokers nodes

Topics: Review created Topics, see msg inside each Topic, Produce msg

Connect: Manage sources, sink connectors

KsqlDB: Handling Kafka Stream related tasks


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