Deploy ReactJs Project to Production environment with PM2

Tram Ho


PM2 is a NodeJS process management tool that can automatically manage and restart processes when there is an error. In addition, PM2 can also be used to deploy ReactJS as a production build. Here are the steps to deploy a ReactJS application using PM2 on a windows machine:


  1. Build apps
  • First of all, you need to create a ReactJs project and build your application:
  • Create a project:

  • Build project


  1. PM2 settings
  • You need to install PM2 to serve the application, use the following command in the terminal:

  1. Run the newly built directory with PM2

  • Now, we need to get the build directory to run in PM2 by:

  • myReactApp/: The directory of the application. You need to point to the correct directory you just built above.
  • 3000: Port to serve.
  • “my-react-app”: Name for the project. This name will be displayed in the progress of PM2 with the command “pm2 list”. Otherwise pm2 will generate the name automatically
  • –spa: Parameter for Single Page Application, redirect to the original URL. This parameter is required for react apps because otherwise the page won’t be able to show the router again when reloading the page.
  • For example, Here I will run the dashboard project on port 3000:

  1. Monitor and manage running applications with PM2:
  • We can see all running processes with the command:


  • Go to localhost:3000 to see the application just started:


  • And can start, stop or delete running processes with:

  • Example to stop the application just running above:


  • Above is the simple way to run React application with PM2. You can do the same on VPS to deoploy your React application. Thanks!!
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Source : Viblo