
[Declarative Programming + Elm] Part 5 – String & List

After going through the basic operations with arithmetic and logical values, we still have Char and String as primitive . By the way, when it comes to String , although they are primitive , in most programming languages ​​that speak them String have the added ability to interact like a range of values ​​stored as an enumerated sequence . Therefore, I decided to bring List to the content of this article and save Tuple and Record for the following article for easy comparison.


Package: elm/core/Char

Static static-typing languages ​​like C or Java have the Char type separate from String and both use single quotes 'A' to represent Char values ​​in the code. Here Elm also uses the same convention and we also have a library that provides sub-program to work with Char values ​​in the link above.

The number of operations provided with Char is also small, so we could probably list them all here. The first will be the operation to check numeric characters, alphanumeric characters, lowercase, uppercase. The check characters in the example are respectively:

  • Digit 0
  • Lowercase letter o
  • Capital letter O

In the example code here, I want to write enough module names to modify the names of the sub-program . If you feel cumbersome and want the code to be more compact, you can add the exposing operation as in the opening articles.

The remaining group of operations is to convert between lowercase <=> uppercase letters, and convert between Unicode <=> alphabetic characters.


Package: elm/core/String

In addition to expressing with a pair of double quotes "a string" , Elm also allows describing long text content on many contiguous lines with 3 pairs of double quotes –

I have a little note here. That’s the space between the newline character newline and eak... because in the Elm REPL environment automatically indents the line when we write the code. As for the standard logic, when we write the code in the file and run elm make or elm reactor , we will have the word brneak .

The number of commonly used operations with String is a lot, but here I will only list some operations that I pay attention to at the JS syntax level and refer to Elm .

The remaining operations are provided by JS as a sub-program , here Elm is also quite complete and the way to use it is no different. However, with the Higher Order Functions group, I note that it will be temporarily unused in this Sub-Series and for the next Sub-Series on Functional Programming .

compare : comparable -> comparable -> Order

Now we will talk about String comparison at the end of the previous article. The logic that compare uses is very simple; That is, take out each pair of characters in turn in the same order of positions in the strings to compare by character code . As soon as a pair of characters with different codes is encountered, the check will be stopped and the comparison result will be used either GT (greater than) or LT (less than), or if all pairs of characters are duplicated, the result will be matched. argument is EQ (equal). The only caveat is that at the end of a string, all programming languages ​​use the character with the character code 0 .


Package: elm/core/List

In fact, List and Array are two different data structures and cannot be compared completely in terms of how to use List in Elm and how to use Array in JS . The basic difference between these two sequence types is that List does not support quick access to an element by index position value like JSarray[1001] .

However, we can temporarily focus on other operations, which are supported by JS or Elm at the syntax level of the language –

Well, the List in Elm don’t have the List.prepend operation, so the code here looks a bit syntactically inconsistent. Although we can also define our own prepend operation based on prepend if List.append want; However, I think that the usage design like this must have a reason and we should temporarily put a bit of confusion here until we get used to the operation of using List in specific situations.

In addition, the operation to extract a part of the content in the sequence , at the syntactic level of the JS language, also provides an operation called destructuring . Here Elm is only supported at the sub-program level and has a point that we need to pay attention to in the results obtained.

These results all have in common that they are of type Maybe and have a variable data parameter a . Let’s open the definition of Maybe : elm/core/Maybe

We have Maybe a which is a Union type. and if a value obtained from a sub-program whose result is type-hint is Maybe a , there is a chance that the value will be of type Just a or Nothing . Where Nothing is undefined and is considered an equivalent value to null or undefined in other programming environments; Just is a simple wrapper designed to hold a value of any type a .

The general reason is that the extraction operation of a sequence as above, we have a special case that is when the data source is an empty sequence

In the case of JS we get a head = undefined value and an array of tail = [] . In Elm ‘s environment, we get Nothing values ​​of the same type as the expected value type. Specifically, with List.head , we want to get a value of a in List , and with List.tail , we want to get a smaller List .

This design is intended to make the resulting values ​​always meaningful in all instances of the original List ; And we will be able to use these obtained values ​​to navigate the case logic of the code afterwards. However, we will save the tool to help navigate the case logic and also iterate looping until we have finished with the Tuple and Record operations.

(unpublished) [Declarative Programming + Elm] Lesson 6 – Tuple & Record

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