
Deciding not to live forever zombie, this website will self-destruct if within 24 hours no content is posted

Rather than exist on the Internet pretending to be like other websites, this site limits itself to the minds of those who still care about it.

The internet is filled with zombie websites – for example, forums where most users have long gone, or unique websites that people who care about them no longer care about. But there is a website created with the mission not to endure that existence.

Called This Website Will Self-Destruct , this site will actually delete itself permanently, leaving only one error message, if no one posts anything within 24 hours.

Unlike many modern websites, this website is just a simple interface with a text editor that allows you to send a message on it, or read a random message posted and pressed by someone. Click the “heart” button for that article.

Besides, the website also displays a countdown timer of 86,400 seconds. If it reaches zero, its database – with the messages sent and the website itself – will be completely deleted.

This website was created by Twitter account FemmeAndroid, who is also the author of the comic series about a transgender woman in the world of science fiction. According to author FemmeAndroid, the self-destruct site received about 15,000 messages in the past week, and they have been viewed about 1 million times. On average, each message has been viewed 91 times.

And they are not just ordinary messages. You might see unrequited love claims, video game jokes, or heartfelt thanks for the existence of a unique website like this. Even if you feel a sad message from someone in a difficult time, you can press the “Feeling Down?” Button, will display contact information about the organization. can help.

Perhaps one of the motivations for the site to survive in today’s conditions is because many people are at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It makes many people desire to share more about their mood somewhere and then they can forget it without having to worry at all. Perhaps when this pandemic passed, the existence of this website is no longer needed.

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