
This is why the Galaxy S11 will have a “super huge” battery capacity.

After many rumors leaked about the new Galaxy S11, we can confirm that the Samsung Galaxy S flagship series is about to be launched in February to have significant upgrades in battery life. The reason behind this upgrade is not necessarily because the new chip saves more battery or Samsung uses new generation OLED screen technology.

And while that's true, the main reason is that the Galaxy S11 trio will have a higher battery capacity than the current S10. Below is the expected battery capacity of the upcoming Galaxy S11 trio compared to its predecessor.

As expected, the standard Galaxy S11 will have an upgraded battery capacity from 3400mAh to 4300mAh, on par with the current Galaxy Note10 +, while the Plus version may have a battery capacity of up to 5000mAh. The reason is that the 5G version of the Galaxy S11 may consume a lot of battery life, so Samsung needs to ensure a good battery life for its flagship. And either Apple or Huawei has already equipped a large battery capacity for its products.

Not to mention new reports from domestic media recently also said Samsung will use the new generation PMP battery technology (Protection Module Packages) for the Galaxy S11.

The PMP battery technology allows the Galaxy S11's batteries to be smaller, but still retain large battery capacity. The smaller battery size makes the Galaxy S11 more room for other components.

This supports rumors that Galaxy S11 will be equipped with a new 5x telephoto camera cluster. With such a camera upgrade, Samsung needs to shrink the size of the battery to make room for the camera system of the machine, while still able to bring a long battery life. In this day and age, camera and battery are the two factors that are most interested in users on a flagship.

As expected, Galaxy S11 will be officially launched by Samsung in late February 2020 at the annual Unpack Galaxy event.

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