
Create avatar is the abbreviation name in Laravel

Hello today, I will show you how to create avatars that are abbreviated as avatars in your Android phone book or Google account.


To create avatars by initials we will need to install a package called laravolt / avatar. To install we perform the following:

If you are using Laravel> = 5.2

And if you are using the Laravel version <5.2:


Next we will implement the config according to our own, at this step we need a file to configure:

After running the publish config command, you will have a file to configure in the following path config/laravolt/avatar.php


To display as an image you just need to execute in the view file as follows:

In addition to creating the image as Base64, you can also use other methods to create images such as: toGravatar() or toSvg() Then come here when running the results, it will look like this:

As I said above we can customize the avatar.php config file as we like, now I will try to reconfigure the image to be a square with a radius boder okay, in the avatar.php file I will edit again the shape is square and radius is 3 :

After saving you do not forget to run

Results after config:


Above is a tutorial on how we can create avatars are letters in the name of the name is also very simple, isn’t it.


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