
Create and set up the necessary environments for Kubernetes on Cloud 9 of AWS using EKS.

High Level Amazon EKS

In the above structure we have 2 VPCs (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud), one containing the running Woker Nodes and the other one with the Master Nodes here it is the EKS Control Plane, in more detail we see the following image.

Run an environment on cloud9

First of all I will choose the area needed to create the environment

Visit the following link:

We have a display

Click Create Environment

Enter the environment name. And Next Step

In the next step, we will leave the default of Free Tier t2.micro and Create environment

This is our environment =)) has the same interface as the IDE.

Install Kubernetes

We will select New Terminal to create a terminal to install

Install kubectl

Install jq, envsubst (from GNU gettext utilities) and bash-completion

Enable kubectl bash_completion

Create IAM ROLE for Workspace

Access to IAM

Create Role

Make sure to select AdministratorAccess

Then Next: Review

I will set the Role Name to: eks-admin

Authorize IAM for Workspace

Visit the EC2 page for instances

Select Attach / Replace IAM Role

Select the eks-admin you created

Config AWS CLI with its region

Save that information to bash_profile

Check out IAM Role

will show results:

eks-admin has been granted permission to this environment


We will install eksctl and create the cluster.

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