
Configure Xdebug for Netbeans + PHP + Wamp

Long time does not touch PHP, the results also search google splashing to complete the configuration of Wamp3 for Netbeans can be debugged.

After the new configuration has been discovered, there is nothing – I simply don't know: ">. Note here that he will be chicken like me.

  1. Download the wamp3 set at this address
  2. After conducting a series of familiar next – next – next steps of the Windows, make sure the Wamp server is running. Access to localhost is OK.
  3. Open Netbeans and check the options debugging as shown below
  4. Make sure that the path to PHP Compiler is ok (I actually configured it to still run. However, config is correct to make exceptions)

    Make sure the parameters required by Netbeans are OK. I leave the default, pay attention to the parameter
    output_buffering = Off
  5. Restart Wamp and check if the extensions have been integrated (if not, check)

    After this step, make sure. Open two more php.ini files to check
    Usually he would cool his hand, it would be fine to do it here, but I should still open it, not hurry for 5 minutes to set up the environment, then use it long?
    The first php.ini file of apache: wamp64 / bin / apache / apache2.4.17 / bin / php.ini
    We check if the parameter is correct: output_buffering = Off
    And at the end of this php.ini file has the same code as:
    ; XDEBUG Extension
    zend_extension ="d:/wamp64/bin/php/php5.6.16/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.4.0-5.6-vc11-x86_64.dll"
    xdebug.remote_enable = On
    xdebug.profiler_enable = On
    xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = On
    xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t.%p
    xdebug.profiler_output_dir ="d:/wamp64/tmp"

    Perform the same test with the file php.ini in the php folder: wamp64 bin php php.6.6.16
    After this step ok,

  6. To test, create a project helloworl and set break point to test play
    Result OK: Break point has eaten. Debugger is ready to fight. Note that for frameworks as large as ZendFramework, there may be some problems, but not because of Netbeans and wamp, but some disabled parameters. Specific case, please search google
  7. It seems a bit lopsided. Do you test and comment to see if any steps are removed?

ITZone via dicay

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