
Complete Flutter navigation


Flutter provides a Navigator widget to manage and manipulate the stack while navigating the screens.

During mobile app development we will have some basic navigation cases that need to be handled as shown above, let’s see how Flutter helps to solve those navigation cases.

Small Note

Navigator provides 2 types of functions are

The above two calling methods are equivalent and if you read the source then Navigator.pushNamed(context, string) is a static function calling Navigator.pushNamed(context, string)

1. push, pop

Two of the most basic and most commonly used functions when doing navigation operations


Push the widget to the navigator’s stack, each time calling the function is one push widget to the stack

There are 2 types:

  • push(context, route)
  • pushNamed(context, string)

push (context, route)

This gives you greater control over the screen initialization, so you can perform additional preprocessing, or pass parameters to the new screen, etc.

pushNamed (context, string)

Above is the definition of all the names in a class Routes, in addition you can define names in the widget locally

This helps you define a short route, but is limited when routeNamed will return a fixed constructor

pop (context)

Perform pop widgets at the top of the stack navigator, each call called a pop until the stack runs out of widgets.

2. Transfer data from A push B

From screen A, open screen B and you want to pass some more information, there are two ways to do it:

  • Passed through B’s constructor
  • Passed through argumments

Passed through the constructor

To do this, in class A you will need to use push(context, route) .

On the class B side, just calling var is valid

Passes through arguments

The push functions that support optional param arguments all support data transmission.

You can use push(context, route, arguments) or pushNamed(context, string, arguments) to perform propagation from A.

In B to receive, we need to retrieve from arrguments.

Note : since arguments is an object type, when you want to pass many different types of data, you need to create an object wrap all the types you need to pass.

3. return data from B to A

To pass data from B to A, use pop(context, result) where the result parameter is the data you want to return.

At A, the push function returns the future, so the await push function will receive data from B

4. Other push functions

The Navigator also has a few other push functions for those cases that need custom flow navigation as follows:

  • pushAndRemoveUntuil / pushNamedAndRemoveUntil
  • pushReplacement / pushReplacementNamed
  • popAndPushNamed

Above I explained about push/ pushNamed so below I just talk about the meaning of these functions, not talk about the different ways.

pushAndRemoveUntil / pushNamedAndRemoveUntil (context, route / string, bool)

Implement adding widgets to the stack and pop widgets in the old stack until bool == true

On the UI side, you will see the enter animation of the newly entered push widget.

If you want to pop all the widgets available on the stack, you can return false at the bool param

Use case:

  • After doing the purchase steps, push the status screen and pop all the purchase screens
  • After performing the operations and hitting logout, pop all the screens and push login

pushReplacement / pushReplacementNamed

Perform push widget to stack and pop current widget on stack

On the UI side, you will see the enter animation of the newly entered push widget.

Use case:

  • From the splash screen open the Home screen
  • From the Login screen, login successfully opens the Home screen


Pop the current widget on the stack and push the new widget in. In a sense it is similar to pushReplacement

However, on the UI side, it will see the exit animation of the current widget pop

Use case:

  • When looking at the item list, opening the filter, selecting and applying the filter, then pop the filter screen and push the item list screen

5. Other pop functions

Navigator also has some other pop functions for those cases that need custom flow navigation as follows:

  • popUntil
  • canPop
  • maybePop

Let’s go into each category

popUntil (bool)

This function is easy to understand, pop the widget on the stack until bool == true


return false if this is the first widget in the navigator stack, or stack size = 1. If stack size> 1 then return true.

maybePop = if (canPop) pop

If the stack size is greater than 1, then pop if not

6. Other functions

The following Navigator functions all need the route param (route = MaterialPagedRoute (builder:)). So to do this, you need a reference to the corresponding route that you want to call the function.

Currently, the navigator’s stack cannot be obtained so this will be a bit confusing.

  • replaceRoute (context, oldRoute, newRoute)
  • replaceRouteBelow (context, anchorRoute, newRoute)
  • removeRoute (context, route)
  • removeRouteBelow (context, anchorRoute)

replaceRoute (context, oldRoute, newRoute)

replace oldROute on the stack with newRoute

replaceRouteBelow (context, anchorRoute, newRoute)

replace the route just below the anchorRoute in the stack with newRoute

removeRoute (context, route)

remove the route in the stack

removeRouteBelow (context, anchorRoute)

remove the route just below the anchorRoute on the stack


This article I have introduced to you about the Navigator widget in Flutter to handle navigation tasks. Depending on the specific requirements when developing, you will choose the most suitable option.

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