
Compare Agile Tester with Traditional Tester

Although it has appeared and used successfully in many fields, but in Vietnam, Agile testing model is still quite new and not fully applied. Or it applies but a combination of Agile and traditional testing. Let’s look at the similarities and differences of testers’ work in Agile and Waterfall models – a common type for traditional models.

Take a look at the following picture to see the stages of these two models: No matter which model your project is using, the ultimate goal of the tester is to ensure the quality of the product reaches the user’s hands. There will still be similarities and differences between the Agile and WaterFall models.

A. Similarities

  • Planning, preparing for testing work
  • Up checklist, viewpoint or testcase for the functions to be tested
  • Prepare the environment, equipment and create test data sets
  • Execute testing, report test results
  • Support users, participate in meetings with Clients, the project team

B. Differences

1. Test planning

Traditional testing : Test planning for projects can last from weeks to months, maybe even years after meetings with all levels to gather information, clarify requirements. bridge of the system.

Agile Testing : Accepting changes from customers’ requirements as an indispensable part to perfecting the product. Therefore, the planning and test preparation in a relatively short time, usually 1 sprint (1 sprint can be 1 week or 2 weeks, no more than 4 weeks).

2. Participate in the testing process

Traditional testing : Tester started quite late, after the design and dev have completed all the work. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the accuracy will come from the customer’s request because there will certainly be the case of the same requirement but the thoughts of different designers, programmers and testers.

Agile Testing : All parties participate right from the stage of receiving customers’ requests, each step must ensure the participants have the same thought, no disagreement occurs.

3. Description of test cases

Traditional testing : Usually, testers will rely on the system’s detailed documentation to checklist, viewpoint or describe the test case details. If errors are found in the requirements or design document, questions will be asked directly to the designer or to the project specification document writer to clarify the problem.

Agile Testing : The characteristic of Agile projects is that the required specification document will be broken down for each User story or ticket or task which briefly describes the function to be done. Therefore, before starting the sprint, testers will only need to check the basic checklist or acceptance criteria. During the clarification meeting, the tester will restate his understanding and acceptance criteria as well as questions with the Client or PM, Dev. Ensure uniform thinking as well as spec throughout the sprint.

4. Prepare the testing environment

Traditional testing : Because the participation in the testing process is quite late, testers in Waterfall model projects have a lot of time to create data and prepare a testing environment.

Agile testing : The characteristic of each sprint usually lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. Therefore, testers will not have much time to prepare the environment as well as data. Therefore, require testers to know how to arrange work, skills, knowledge and understanding of the product. At the same time, it must be flexible and make full use of teamwork (teamwork) as a way to make the most of the time and supplement the unknown knowledge from colleagues in the group.

5. Authenticating products with customers

Traditional testing : Validation, delivery of products to customers is quite late. After the testing process has been completed. Therefore, if there are any changes or discrepancies with customer requirements, it will take a lot of time.

Test by Agile : Continuous interaction, receiving ideas and accepting changes to customers’ requirements help deliver products quickly. The product goes to the user as desired and less error occurs when there is continuous interaction from the user.

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