
Comment after 1 month of switching from native iOS to Flutter

Hello my friends are an iOS developer and recently I have been curious about learning Flutter. After a period of 1 month, here are the share of my feelings when switching from native iOS to Flutter, besides the experiences I have learned during the dev Flutter process with VSCode hope to be helpful for the you in approaching Flutter.

The difference between native pure and Flutter

The biggest difference, of course, is that Flutter is a multi-platform SDK that can build both iOS and Android. Not only does Flutter solve the Fast Development problem like react native, it also ensures that Native Performance is like a native native. Actually, I am impressed by its Fast Development.

Flutter uses DART. An object-oriented programming language developed by Google. DART is a static type language, so it is AOT (Ahead of Time), then compile before running. Meanwhile it is also JIT (Just in Time) like dynamic type languages. When dev, it uses JIT to support Hot Load and build release, use AOT to optimize performance as a normal native code. The fact that you can both code and watch the app screen change is a very interesting experience.

Although Dart is a new language, it is easy to learn because I had previous experience with coding with javascript.

Just like Android, Google also provides full documentation for Flutter. Go from installation, basic app writing instructions to CI / CD, debug, test and profiling. Flutter’s profiling suite is also great for measuring detailed performance indicators.

On Flutter’s github page also reached more than 37k stars, it can be seen that Flutter is interested in the community.

Flutter has a rich library of widgets, and if you know how to combine widgets effectively, your code app will be extremely simple.

After a period of working with Flutter, I really did not like pure native anymore.

Speed ​​up code Flutter with VSCode

Quick Fix

Use keyboard shortcuts (Command.) With macOS or (ctr.) With windows to quickly fix a problem

It is common to report missing library imports when you use a new widget, so use the key combination above to quickly import missing libraries.

Shotcut refactor code

The wrap 1 widget often has to do in Flutter, to quickly do this instead of having to right-click and select Refactor, use the key combination (control + shift + R)

Sometimes I also use this key combination for Extract widget into smaller widgets for reuse code and make the code easier to read.

Awesome Flutter Snippets

This is the extension I recommend you to install. It helps speed up the code significantly when you only need to type shotcut to call a widget with full property requied

Todo Tree

This is an extension that helps you highlight what you need to do in the future in your code, sometimes it also marks important points that when you re-read the code will not take much time to search


Above is my whole feeling after a not too long time contact with Flutter. Because of my feelings, there are many rambling things for you to understand. Basically, I think Flutter is a new framework but it has many advantages compared to other frameworks in programming mobile apps. I believe that in the future, Flutter will become a framework of many people choosing in application programming.

Thank you for following along, and I hope this article has brought you some interesting insights. See you in the next post.

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