
Combination of CSS Transition and Transform

CSS transitions and transform techniques together create beautiful effects on web pages. However, if you are just starting out, they can be very difficult to understand how they work and how to put them together.

In this article, we’ll go into detail about how to use CSS transitions and transform techniques, how they work, and how to combine them to create dynamic effects on pages. web.

CSS Transitions

CSS transitions allow you to smoothly transition the values ​​of an element’s properties over a certain period of time. You can use transitions to create beautiful effects, such as changing the size, color, position, and opacity of an element. Transitions allow element transformations to happen very smoothly and create a better user experience.

For example:

In the above CSS code, we are using transition to create a smooth effect when changing the background color of the button. When the user hovers the mouse over the button, the color of the button changes from blue to light blue.

It’s important to note that transition only works when the property’s value is changed. If there is no change in the property, the transition will not be fired.

CSS Transform

CSS transform allows you to change the shape, size, and position of an element. You can use transform to create dynamic effects, such as rotating, flipping, and scaling elements on a web page.

For example:

In the above code, we are using transform to rotate the image 45 degrees. You can change the value of the transform property to change the shape and position of the element.

CSS Transitions and Transforms

When used together, CSS transitions and transforms can create beautiful animations on web pages.

For example:

In the above code, we are using both transition and transform to animate the button. When the user hovers the mouse over the button, the button will be rotated 45 degrees and zoomed out using transform effects, while these effects are done smoothly thanks to transitions.

Above are a few ways you can use CSS transitions and transforms on your website to create beautiful animations. With this knowledge, you can create compelling effects and make your website more dynamic and attractive.

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