
Cloud Firestore Security Rules

Hello everyone, the situation is the last time I encountered a task related to the firebase rules so it took quite a bit of time to learn this task. So I will write this article to help people spend less time finding reading materials.

First, let’s find out what Cloud Firestore Security Rules are.

Cloud Firestore Security Rules is a tool to determine access control to Firestore . You do not have to worry about generating authentication or authentication codes for your database. In the Cloud Firestore Security Rules dashboard, identify the results that match your collections or subcollections and enable each of them to manage access to Firestore .

Okay, let’s get to the main content.

1. Block access to Firestore

The code below is used to lock any activity on Firestore .

{document=**} is used to match all collection and subcollection in Firestore .

With false condition to prevent all operations.

2. Allow access to Firestore

Just like the code in Part 1, if you want to allow all access on Firestore we just need to write as below.

{document=**} is used to match all collection and subcollection in Firestore.

If true, you can allow all operations.

3. Special security rules for a specific collection

The code above means: To be entitled to read , write if collectionName other "users" .

4. Access for authenticated users

In security rules, we have access to the request object. The request includes authentication information so you can use it to verify that the requested user is authenticated.

The above code applies to all collection products , if the user has been authenticated can read the information of the collection products .

5. Access for a specific user

This security rule allows read or write in case the user has the same uid as the userId . The most common example of using this security rule is on a user collection whose user ID equal to the ID in the colllection .

userId – is used to compare with the id of the requested user.

6. Access for users who exist in the document list

Usage of resources stored in Firestore or available in write operations. A resource object includes:

  • name : The full path of the document.
  • data : All document data.
  • id : Document id.

Let me explain a little bit of the above code, we use to get all the contributors and verify who reuqest exists in the array.

  • request.auht.uid : The id information of the user who is requesting.
  • : List of users who are in the collection contributors , they are saved as array .

7. Does the test object exist?

When defining a security rule, we can create a condition by using the built-in function to determine if a document exists in another collection . It’s easy to simply use the path as a function argument.

Syntax: exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/collectionName/$(documentId)) . Inside:

  • $ (database) : The parameter specifies an instance of the database available as a wildcard in the main lines of the Cloud Firestore Security Rules file.

match /databases/{database}/documents

  • collectionName : The name of the collection you want to verify.
  • documentId : The ID of the document is required.

For example:

write permission will be allowed when a user’s uid exists ( request.auth.uid is the uid of the uid user ) in the user collection .

8. Access another document

Another method available in Cloud Firestore Security Rules is the get() . This method is similar to the exists() only has different results. The get() will give us access to the document’s data by calling get(path).data .

The right to update , delete is allowed when the user is request is the author of the post or the admin of the system (i.e. == request.auth.uid hoặc get(path).data.role == "ADMIN" ).

Okay! Above are my share of the basic principles in Cloud Firestore Security Rules and explanatory examples. Hope can help everyone.


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