
Chinese space scientists use heat from hot water to charge phones

Space thermal technology may soon make this sustainable solution a reality.

Thermoelectric devices are made up of materials that convert the difference in temperature into electricity. Previous studies have shown that thermoelectric devices can collect the emitted heat and produce electricity to back up batteries on spacecraft.

Chinese scientists now hope to take advantage of aerospace thermal technology to apply it to human daily life.

Specifically, researchers at China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, one of China’s rocket manufacturers, have developed an insulated bottled water equipped with a thermoelectric chip, capable of transforming magnetic heat. water to electricity to charge the phone.

With today’s more powerful processors and larger touchscreen interfaces, the amount of power they require increases as well. However, we often face many issues related to device charging, especially when riding a car or camping in mountainous areas.

Our solution to this problem is a water bottle thermoelectric device, a source of heat to generate electricity” – researcher Ma Wei said. He also asserted that this invention did not require any electricity.

The thermoelectric device will be embedded in the bottle cap, where there is a USB charging port. When you connect your iPhone to the bottle via a cable, the device is charged.

We found that the water bottle can provide electricity for 20-30 minutes after pouring 300-500 ml of boiling water in it, ” said Sheng Jiang, a member of the research team.

The bottle can also charge laptops, cameras, and other low-power home appliances.

Researchers are currently looking for opportunities to collaborate with businesses to bring ideas to market. The final product will most likely cost around $ 23.

The thermo-electric chip will make the water bottle 200 grams heavier than a similar-sized product on the market, but Sheng says it’s easy to carry it around, as the researchers have reduced the volume of the water bottle by using it. Lightweight insulation, originally created for aircraft, replaced stainless steel.

When it comes to safety, Sheng says the product has low power and does not face any risk of short circuit.

Reference: Xinhuanet

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