
China officially blocked 4 big cities in Zhejiang province, each family can only go to the road every 2 days

On February 4, China officially placed blockades with cities such as Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Taizhou. Also funerals and weddings are not held.

In particular, when each family goes out, they must carry identification and only leave home to buy necessities every 2 days. “This can reduce the spread of the disease to the lowest possible level , said the mayor of Wenzhou City, Yao Gaoyuan.

In addition, officials in Zhejiang province have taken stricter measures in an effort to prevent the corona virus from spreading. According to information from SCMP, authorities in Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Taizhou have ordered no funerals and weddings to be closed, all entertainment areas and public gatherings closed. often concentrate a lot.

In Taizhou City, authorities also gave the landlord permission to leave people from other provinces, especially Hubei Province, where   The plague came to this city to rent a house in case they had just left home. The blockade of cities 800 – 1000km from the center of the epidemic shows the Chinese authorities’ determination to prevent the spread of this disease.

In addition, China also uses an AI body temperature detector to detect people infected with Corona virus. See here for more details.

(Source: Businessinsider)

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