ChatGPT says these 4 jobs will lose their jobs because of AI

Tram Ho

When asked which professions could lose their jobs because of artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT listed 4 jobs including customer service officer, salesperson, production staff and accounting staff.

Besides, ChatGPT said, there are many professions that can take advantage of the power of AI and develop many new job opportunities. It is important that everyone is prepared and updated with new knowledge and skills to be able to respond to these changes.

ChatGPT nói 4 nghề này sẽ mất việc vì AI - Ảnh 1.

Specifically, the text of ChatGPT’s answer is as follows:

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting many professions and may lead to a shift or job loss for some occupations. Here are a few industries that may be affected by the evolution of intelligence. artificial intelligence:

    1. Customer service staff: With the development of chatbots and virtual assistants, the job of online customer support may be replaced by machines. 2. Salespeople: AI systems are developed to automatically complete sales, ordering and inventory management tasks. 3. Production staff: Robots and automation systems can replace many traditional manufacturing jobs. 4. Accountants: The development of accounting software and automation tools can reduce the number of accountants needed.

However, there are also many professions that can take advantage of the power of AI and develop new job opportunities. It is important that we prepare and update new knowledge and skills to be able to respond to these changes.”

*The information in the article is taken from ChatGPT’s answer and is for reference only.

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Source : Genk