
Challenges faced when changing from Manual test to Automation test

In this article, I will present the main challenges when moving from Manual test to Automation test.

Changing career from Manual test to Automation test has never been simple, there are many difficulties and challenges that manual testers face. It will take time to learn new knowledge and tools. Overcoming these challenges early will help you avoid wasting time fixing bugs and making your career transition easier.

  1. Knowledge is required: Automation testing is like development, so tools may require customization. Therefore, one of the challenges is learning programming languages. It is also possible to start learning Automation without having knowledge of programming languages. But I assure you that you will start learning soon because without it you will only be able to use some features like Record and Playback. If you want to be a good automation tester, that’s not enough. And if you’re thinking, “How much do I have to learn about programming languages?” The answer is “I don’t know” because it has to be based on many aspects, like the tool you are using or the test you have automatically and more. Some Manual testers say that they have easily switched from manual testing to automation testing because of the automatic tools available. That is not true because to run automation tests requires more technical skills to build and maintain automated test framework tests, test scripts, solve technology problems. Having said that, there are many free tools that contain pre-programmed code, so testers without programming skills can easily use them.
  2. Choosing the right tool to use Choosing tool automation testing is one of the important steps because the success of automation testing is mostly based on choosing the right tool automation testing.

But how to choose the right tool? It is really a difficult question because there are many criteria to consider (price, language, ease of support, study time, browser and assistive devices …). Based on these criteria, you will evaluate and compare them to choose the best option according to requirements and cost.

As mentioned above, programming skills must learn and complement better automation testing skills. If you have a programming background, it is easy for you to switch from manual test to automation test. However, there are many tool automation tests available that do not need code for testers without knowledge of programming.

  1. High initial costs Companies that are currently performing manual testing have a great interest in automation testing because it saves time, manpower and improves application quality. But not all companies can apply it because there is not a big budget. The cost of automation testing is really a big concern because of the high initial investment. Not to mention, it will lead to higher costs if the test is done incorrectly.

In addition, the low budget leads to the problem that companies cannot hire automation testers. That is one of the reasons why it is difficult for companies to apply automation test quickly. Due to the time of handover, companies cannot allow manual testers to learn the knowledge required to perform automation tests most effectively.

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