bzm – Arrivals Thread Group

Tram Ho

Today we will learn about bzm – Arrivals Thread Group this is an upgrade thread over the regular thread group, it allows you to configure more steps while creating user for performance test.

add bzm-Arrivals Thread group in thread group -right click Test Plan => Add => Thread (Users)=> click ‘bzm – Arrivals Thread Group’

Name : the name of the thread group

Comments : comments

Action to be taken after a Sampler erro r: allows you to define acctions when sample fails + Continue: continue pushing request + start Next Thread loop: execute next thread (applicable to multiple threads) + stop thread : Stop the current thread + Stop Test: stop all, the samples being sent will be executed + Stop Test Now: build all, stop all samples being executed

Target Rate (arrivals/min) : number of repeat users in 1 minute

Ramp-up Time (min) : time to create number of users Ramp-up Steps Count : number of times to create user re

for example: create targe Rate: 30, Ramp-upTime = 60 => Ramp-up Steps = 2 2 times create each time: 1st time create 15 users, 2nd time create 15 users, 1st time push 15 users at the same time in the interval ( 60/2 = 30 s) time 2: 30 users push the time 30s

Hold Target Rate Time (min) . Test time Time Unit : unit or second Thread Iterations Limit : the largest total request sent to the server, this parameter does not work Log Thread Status into File : allows to save log to file

Concurrency Limit: maximum number of users

for example 1000 tickets booked within 1 h. equivalent to 1000/60 = 17 tickets booked within 1 minute. test time within 1 minute, user is 17 test time 5 minutes => create 17 users, and there are 5 steps to create 17/5 = 4 users / first 1 second => 4 users send request 2: add 4 users = > total users sent requests 8 3=> total users sent 12 4 => total users sent 16 5 total users sent requests : 17.

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Source : Viblo