
Bored of code, I usually do!

Depressed is when there are so many worries about life, there are too many things to think about. Everyone at my age is still young and still very young but deep down in every human being there exists somewhere depressed with life just waiting for an outbreak. Depressed is when you don’t keep up with friends, when you have to worry about tomorrow, when you see social injustice against yourself and others .

All that hustle will make you tired and tired. In the morning, when I woke up, I did not want to wash my face, did not want to eat breakfast and did not bother talking to anyone, locked myself in the room with four hard, dry walls. Those days will pass but right now it makes people lose quite a bit of time, reducing productivity, quality of life.

Last year I was 22 years old, working at a website programming company, sitting 8-9 hours a day at work, no entertainment place. In the evening, when I ate a piece of rice, I sat down to study programming and English until late at night, and then started to get up early and continue some unfinished functions at night before going to work. There are times when there is trouble at work, coming home even though tired, you still have to try to sit and study with the expectation that the work will be better later. When I went to bed, my back ached when I lay down (I had a back pain when sitting for a long time), so I slept for a long time until I did not return to my dream. But after such a year of spinning, I have no longer maintained that form until now – even though every day I have learned a little bit more knowledge.

After a few weeks of boredom, I decided to change it to not crush it. There are really many ways to overcome sadness but not all are suitable for you, I have applied and pulled out some interesting facts afterwards.

Sometimes you shouldn’t impose yourself

I used to impose myself and compare my life with others. It is a fundamental mistake because thinking of the same thing is good, there is nothing wrong with being good, but at some point we should stop, sit down and think and be happy with ourselves, with what you have. When I’m depressed about it, I often forget everything beyond my reach, I will be grateful for what is holding and always appreciate it. Happiness is really just an option, and instead of choosing gloom, melancholy I will choose to do my own happy things.

Let’s go even if we don’t know where to go

Instead of sitting in the room like before, now I like to wander whenever I’m sad. There are so many good things in the street that I don’t know, never experienced. The feeling of wandering with your feet through the streets, the streets or simply meeting and chatting with someone strange will bring joy to erase the gloom of the present. The feeling of talking to strangers is new, cherish, cherish … it is very interesting, and I know almost no one has the courage to talk to others but never knew before. And luckily I dared many times,

Do not do what is not interesting

Once you don’t like something, it’s best not to continue doing it in a depressed mood. There are two consequences it will bring, one is that it will make that mood worse and worse, the result of that job will not be as good as doing while excited and happy. A relaxed spirit will bring beautiful and quality code.

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Listen to a fun song, then code

This way I use the most if I don’t want to interrupt the work being done, it makes the mind comfortable and increases motivation. The music genre should sound like a genre that brings a bit of excitement. Do not fool openly lyrical, reformed, reformed, cabbage, ru sleep is not smart.

Some good songs if you like:

Read books, read articles, read them all

Instead of trying to plug in the code while knowing the quality it won’t be good, why don’t we put it aside and read the books I love. In the old days, I hated books because I could not hold them for 30 minutes without yawning and yawning, tears ran from my nose. Now nature of reading habits takes me quite a lot of time, I am passionate about it extremely, all kinds, enough authors.

Instead of spending all my time with facebook with bland stories, I trimmed some parts and prioritized medium and quora. There are quite a lot of interesting topics and questions that people ask around the world and especially it is 100% English, it is very unattractive by facebook but I still love it, god.


Depression is a psychological condition, if someone says life without feeling depressed then that is a lie. Depression will always go with happy feelings, and both will always be the opposite of each other to make life more interesting. Although it is harmful, it will make you stronger after each pass. And also, remember, “Everyone will get bored once in a lifetime, the important way is how we get over it.”

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