
Be careful showing off the “Covid green card” on social networks, potentially 1001 risks!

In recent days, the phrase “green card”, yellow card” has become more and more of a concern on social networks. Accordingly, those who have been vaccinated will have a green card certificate (for 2 shots). ) and yellow card (for 1 shot), this certification will help us move conveniently, as well as be eligible to participate in activities that are being licensed by the state.

Covid green card, proving that you have received 2 vaccines and can participate in many activities allowed by the government

With that mentality, most young people want to “show off” their green and yellow cards on social networks like sharing a little joy when they are about to be able to “reintegrate into society”. However, many experts say that sharing a personal QR Code today has many potential risks that users should pay attention to.

Accordingly, each person’s personal QR Code will contain a lot of information such as name, age, date of birth, ID card/CCCD number, all of which are displayed on the QR Code for convenience. Bad guys can take advantage of stealing your personal information and have done many scams, borrowed credit, made bank cards, fake CCCD…

In addition, many people who have not been fully vaccinated can use someone else’s Covid green card posted online to use. Although they have not injected yet, they can deceive authorities or organizations that require inspection to “unlock”. This is quite potentially dangerous, because people who have not been vaccinated currently should not travel much in the current context.

QR Codes should only be presented to agencies and police forces for inspection or when entering and leaving places requiring QR Code scanning for control purposes.

If you have posted your QR Code, you should immediately delete it, or if you like, you can completely post it but obscure, or stick a sticker on the QR Code. This way, the bad guys will not be able to use your personal information.

You can blur the QR Code before deciding to post it on social networks

Currently PC-Covid is an application used to manage personal information about Covid-19. PC-Covid is equipped with 9 main features: Covid-19 card; Health declaration; Declare domestic movement; Information on vaccination, testing; Issue and manage personal QR codes and locations; Scan QR code; Close Contact Tracing, Hazard Mapping, and Reflection. These are all the above features synthesized from previous epidemic prevention applications, such as Bluezone, VHD, VNeID, …

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