
Apple no longer charges 30% for online video and TV applications on its platform

Apple has loosened a controversial policy in the past, that is, charge up to 30% for online video and television applications on its device platforms, when it sells TV shows and movie.

Amazon is one of the companies that began taking advantage of the change on Wednesday, selling and renting movies through the Prime Video service on Apple devices, without having to share revenue with Apple.

In an email to its partners, Apple said that this major change is to help video entertainment providers bring more benefits to customers. Changes are applied to many services, including Amazon Prime Video, Canal +, Altice One.

With Apple’s changes, these services can now charge users through their own payment method, instead of an in-app-purchase system for up to 30% of Apple’s fee.

Previously, most apps and services on Apple devices like iPhones, iPads and Apple TVs used Apple’s in-app-purchase system to be able to purchase content or subscribe.

Some online service providers, like Spotify, argue that Apple’s payment system is an exclusive issue. Making them have to increase the subscription price by 30% to compensate for Apple’s fees, and consumers will be disadvantaged.

Apple’s change means lower subscription prices and the purchase of online video or television content. This is a welcome move by Apple, so people have more entertainment content at a more affordable price, when isolated at home because of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Reference: bloomberg

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