
Apple launches iOS 13.2.3 update: Continue to fix background apps, emails and messages

Just a few days after the release of iOS 13.2.2 bug update, Apple released another iOS 13.2.3 update to continue fixing the error. iOS 13.2.3 and iPadOS 12.2.3 can both be downloaded via OTA for all iPhone and iPad users.

iOS 13.2.3 fixes a search error in the Mail, Files and Notes app that may not work. Fix errors that images, links and attachments may not display correctly in the detailed view of the message.

In addition, iOS 13.2.3 continues to fix background application errors, sometimes the problem can prevent content being downloaded in the background application. iOS 13.2.2, released on November 7, also fixed a bug that caused the iPhone’s background app to crash unexpectedly.

Apple also said it is testing iOS 13.3, a major update that will completely fix bugs and also add features that limit screen time.

Reference: 9to5mac


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