
Angular vs React vs VueJs: Which Framework Should I Choose? 2023

Angular vs React vs Vue 2023

Angular, React and Vue are the three most popular front-end development tools in 2023. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on the needs and goals of the project that the developer can choose. Choose the most suitable tool.



  • Is a software architecture designed to build user interface (UI) applications. It builds user interfaces based on discrete components and uses the Virtual DOM to manage changes in the interface. This makes the development and maintenance of applications easier, and increases the loading speed of the website.
  • It is component-based, consisting of independent components that are created from JavaScript and interact with each other to form the user interface. It provides Virtual DOM, an imitation of the actual DOM, to optimize performance and minimize the number of interactions with the actual DOM.
  • Get inspired by concepts in the field of interface design and focus on reusing components over and over again. React provides an easy and flexible way to reuse components in an application’s user interface.


  • Is based on the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) structure. It focuses on separating the data (Model) and user interface (View) and uses the ViewModel to manage the state and logic of the user interface. Vue.js provides components for building user interfaces, supports two-way binding, and allows for easy custom development.
  • As a progressive framework, allows you to start with some basic features and expand as required. It provides component structure and features like reactive data binding, v-directives, etc. VueJS has a simple and easy to use ecosystem.


  • Is an object-oriented architecture (OOP) with the use of components to build user interfaces. It also uses objects to manage data and logic and has some technologies like dependency injection and modules to make it easier to manage and organize the code.
  • As a complete front-end framework, including features like compilation, routing, data binding, etc. Angular uses component structure and provides some extensibility like directives, pipes, etc.
  • A full client-side framework, it provides all the tools and features needed to build a complete client-side application. Angular’s ecosystem focuses on overall management of components in an application


React, Angular, and Vue are three structural frameworks for building web applications that every front-end developer has heard about. Although we can use them at almost the same level to build front-end applications, they are not 100% the same, so it makes sense to compare and understand the difference between them.



  • Easy to learn and use, provides a clear and memorable logical structure
  • Provides a virtual DOM, which speeds up rendering
  • Use repeatable components that speed up the development process and are easy to manage
  • There are many libraries and development tools available.


  • Project structure can be confusing and complicated for some new developers
  • Need to use third party libraries to complete some features
  • Strong knowledge of JSX is required to write components



  • Easy to learn: Vue.js has a simple and straightforward design that makes it easy for new programmers to learn and use.
  • Lightweight: Vue.js is small in size, which increases page load speed and user experience.
  • Customization: Vue.js allows you to customize as you like with your features.
  • Easy integration: Vue.js easily integrates with other libraries and technologies.


  • Insufficient user base: Vue.js has a user base that is not strong enough compared to other frameworks, but is in development.
  • Less support resources: Compared to other frameworks, Vue.js has fewer support resources and a smaller community.



  • Automation: Angular uses two-way data binding to automate the updating process between the model and the view.
  • Easy to integrate: Angular has many libraries and tools that support integration with external libraries and cloud services.
  • Ease of use: Angular has a clear and intuitive structure that makes development and easier.
  • Optimization: Angular has many optimization features to make the application smooth and perform better.


  • Slow start: Angular has a complex structure and learning new technologies can be time consuming.
  • Error-prone: Angular has a lot of features and a complex structure, which increases the likelihood of errors during development.
  • High resource requirements: Angular requires a lot of resources and memory to work well.
  • Inflexible features: Some features


Choosing the right framework for your project’s needs and requirements is important. React is good for projects that need a powerful UI solution, Angular provides a complete and easy-to-use ecosystem for large projects, while Vue is good for projects that need a flexible and easy-to-use solution. easy to expand. The decision should be made after thoroughly researching each framework and understanding the requirements and goals of the project.

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