
Amazon threatens to fire its employees for defaming the company

Employees allegedly violating a spokesman policy outside the company.

Information posted on the Washington Post said Amazon sent an email threatening to fire employees who spoke out against Amazon’s environmental policy.

Specifically, two employees were emailed by Amazon in November 2019 after appearing in an article criticizing Amazon’s cloud computing industry for being indifferent to environmental protection.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO faces many criticisms related to the company’s environmental protection policy. Photo: Getty Images .

Maren Costa and Jamie Kowalski are two employees emailed by Amazon on charges of violating a spokesman policy outside the company. Amazon threatens to terminate its contract with the two if it continues to talk about Amazon’s environmental policy.

Answering the Washington Post , Costa said Amazon’s human resources department met her before the email appeared.

Amazon’s non-company spokesperson policy requires employees to seek permission from management before speaking publicly about Amazon’s business, products, services, technology or customers, applicable to interviews. newspapers and social media posts.

Speaking to Business Insider , an Amazon spokesperson confirmed that this policy is not new and is similar to other companies.

A policy update in September last year made it easier for employees to engage in activities such as speaking, interviewing and using the company’s logo. Instead of emailing, Amazon created a form on the internal website for employees to express their personal views about the company.

Like many major technology companies, Amazon’s policies are often opposed by employees. In May 2019, thousands of employees signed a petition asking CEO Jeff Bezos to make plans to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions.

Last September, more than 1,500 Amazon employees took part in the Global Climate Strike anti-climate march, forcing Amazon to pledge to fully utilize renewable energy by 2030, ceasing Web Services contracts with oil companies. mines and does not fund politicians to ignore climate change

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