
Airbnb declares to abandon React Native, back to Native

In a recent article, Airbnb engineering team stated that they will stop using React Native in their products because of its unreasonable technical errors. From the end of 2018 to early 2019, they will gradually switch to native use in the near future.

React Native has become a controversial hot topic in recent times, many companies claim that they are gradually releasing and not using it anymore, others also show that Facebook is not using React Native. for pretty much their internal products.

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However, Microsoft went in the opposite direction, they rewrote Skype software with React Native on all platforms. In a recent Tweet of Sean Larkin, he also revealed that Office 365 is being rewritten by React Native.

We can also see the interesting direction of technology industry when Microsoft is focusing more on React Native while Facebook is no longer interested in this technology anymore. Having some changes in Reac Native is quite consistent with Microsoft’s needs, hoping that we will see many interesting changes from this company in the near future.

For someone who has ever built apps with React Native like me, I understand very well that nothing is pink forever. For example, the tooling section is pretty bad, the ecosystem is much more fragmented, unlike ReactJS, React Native will work for some people and not for some people.

Overview of React Native
When you switch from web experience to a native app (part 1)
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