
After China, it was Italy’s turn to develop a full body bubble prototype to protect people from COVID-19

Design Libero, an Italian design studio, created a prototype for a full-body protection against COVID-19, a disease caused by the new strain of corona virus SARS-CoV-2. They call it a bubble shield – Bubble Shield.

Bubble Shield is “a private inflatable environment designed to protect people in public spaces,” designers Libero Rutilo and Ekaterina Shchetina, author of Bubble Shield, said.

More than 3 million people worldwide are infected with the new corona virus, and more than 211,000 have died. The United States has become the largest outbreak with more than 1 million people infected. One-third of the world’s population is in social isolation, as doctors and experts are trying to prevent the spread of the disease.

No one really knows what the world will be like when nations get out of a blockade. But we know that the risk of infection will remain, at least until we vaccinate a large part of the world’s population.

In this context, we may need more effective personal protections than masks. Some designers such as Design Libero and formerly Sun Dayong of China have the same idea of ​​a full body protection shield.

As you can see below, the Bubble Shield is a wearable device, meaning you will wear it on your body to form a full body shield. It is made from ETFE resin, which is a heat and corrosion resistant plastic. Bubble Shield will protect the wearer against droplets and aeresol carrying SARS-CoV-2 virus spread from the patient.

This bubble shield consists of 2 pieces. The upper piece is worn into a backpack on the back. While, the lower piece is connected to the upper piece by a zip lock, for easy wearing and detachment.

Bubble Shield has air purifiers and ventilation fans to ensure a clean environment on the inside of the suit. It is powered by solar panels on the top, connected to the UPS placed in the backpack worn behind.

Libero said that because its bubble shield is equipped with an air purifier, it can also be used as a solution against air pollution.

Many designers and laboratories are working on protective solutions for physicians on the front lines of the pandemic. However, this Bubble Shield prototype focuses on protecting ordinary people from viruses when they go out in public.

Libero’s design comes from an idea similar to China’s “Be a Batman ” suit developed by Sun Dayong. But the brand ” Made in Italia ” looks more elegant than the ” Made in China ” outfit below:

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