
Adobe trains AI to recognize “Photoshop” faces, helping us regain confidence in life

A team of Adobe and UC Berkeley researchers are teaching AI how to detect edited photos in Photoshop. Researchers hope this tool can help “restore confidence” in an era where face-phishing techniques are increasingly popular on the Internet.

The group trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect changes in images created by the Face Away Liquify feature of Photoshop, which is used to change eyes, mouth and other facial features. When tested, the neural network detected images that were changed up to 99%. Meanwhile, only 53% of people who saw similar photos discovered the change. This tool can also bring the image back to its original state.

Previously, Adobe also used AI to detect photos that were in Photoshop, but this time focusing on the face. The company said it is focusing on this project and this AI is only the first step.

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