
Actual test of battery life of iPhone 13 mini and iPhone 13 Pro Max: The results are really surprising

The Verge has conducted a detailed review of Apple’s latest iPhone 13s. In which, the battery life test is indispensable, which is also a great improvement of the iPhone 13 series compared to the previous generation. The results are really surprising, as even the iPhone 13 mini can do more than we expected.

iPhone 13 mini.

With the iPhone 13 Pro Max, The Verge calls this a “battery-powered monster”, referring to the terrible battery life of this iPhone. Even, The Verge had to do everything to make the battery capacity of the iPhone 13 Pro Max drop to zero in a day, including continuous 4K video recording.

Although the iPhone 13 mini is not as impressive, it has also improved significantly compared to last year’s iPhone 12 mini. You should be able to comfortably use your iPhone 13 mini until the end of the day with a few percent remaining. Of course, the battery life of the iPhone 13 mini is still not comparable to the iPhone 13.

And below is the actual test video with 4 iPhone 13 models of Arun Maini. This test also visually compares the battery life of the iPhone 12, 11, and SE. The results may surprise you when the iPhone 13 mini surpasses the iPhone 12.

The improved battery life on the iPhone mini is a commendable thing for Apple. Before that, the iPhone 12 mini was criticized a lot for its limited battery life. This may be the reason why many users turn away from this compact iPhone model. Therefore, let’s wait and see if this improvement helps the sales of the iPhone 13 mini to improve compared to its predecessor.

Reference: theverge

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