
A city in Germany wants to replace Microsoft software with open source software

The transition from Microsoft software to open source software has many benefits, including reduced licensing costs and better control of internal information. This is also one of the reasons why some authorities around the world consider Microsoft software alternatives.

In particular, the city of Munich, Germany became one of the pioneers moving from Microsoft software to using Linux software and other open source alternatives in 2013. But then, many Members have complained about Linux restrictions that forced the government to return to Windows and Office.

But this failure did not stop another city, Hamburg, of similar intent.

Hamburg is reportedly planning to replace Microsoft’s software on authorities’ computers with open source software. This move by the city government to reduce dependence on paid products and is often referred to as “digital sovereignty”.

According to Germany’s Der Standard, the Hamburg city plan is currently in the proposal stage and it is unclear how things will be decided.

However, it is not clear whether Hamburg plans to switch completely to open source software or only convert some parts, such as replacing the Microsoft Office office toolkit with LibreOffice.

If Hamburg is really planning a full-fledged transition to open source software, then Linux is clearly the best alternative to Windows.

In the case of Munich, they started the LiMux project to accelerate the transition to open source software, replacing Microsoft Office with OpenOffice and later LibreOffice.

Of course, it will have to wait until next time to know which option Hamburg actually chooses.

Refer to Softpedia

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