
A bookmark reading list for programmers

Welcome back to duthaho ‘s blog. Although Tet has reached this point, it still tries to make an annual paper. Actually, I do know what English my English is but I set the title for it in a trend with the title of my new website not long ago.

Actually I think there are quite a lot of friends like me, wishing to blog everyday, then follow celebrities or find which github to star, spend a lot of time filtering out good posts and bookmarking them again. Now that you are no longer worried, there is a green phone … oh forget, there is duthaho lo, that’s why I built the website bookmark reading list for Programmers , you just need to bookmark and open to read every day, everything has a bot running on rice that automatically updates the most popular songs. I have shared on reddit and have received quite positive feedback.

PR is enough, back to the main topic of the article today, I would like to introduce to you the github repo I have star and hope they are useful for you yet to know!

1. List of Free Learning Resources Look at the title, everyone knows, this repo is home to a lot of resources, from tutorials, articles, videos, or ebooks for all other languages. each other, and all are free (which I like best). So many resources that you spend your whole life can’t read them all

2. Free For Developers This repo differs from the above repo in that it shares a list of tools that are used for many different purposes as a programmer. , which is Code Quantity, CI, CD, Security …. The list of tools is divided into many categories, try to implement into your project and there must be many interesting tools that you have never heard of! But actually not most are free like the name repo

3. Tech Interview Handbook This is a very useful repo for those who want to change their jobs when Tet is full. We can learn how to prepare for the interview, how to get a good CV, how to evaluate an interview process or what questions can be asked during the interview.

It also introduces the knowledge of algorithms and best practices that you need to care about.

4. List of JavaScript Quizzes No doubt, if you want to practice JavaScript then this is the best place for you to practice. Questions with many different topics, constantly updated and full of good knowledge. There are keywords and explanations of the answers if you get stuck.

If you answer most of the questions there, no interviewer can be difficult for you – JavaScript master: fighting:

5. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Algorithms and Data Structures are everywhere you go, so this is an indispensable repo in your star list. This repo implements algorithms in JavaScript but is presented in a fairly understandable manner and each line of code is tested.

In addition, each algorithm or data structure has explanations and resources for us to learn more.

6. JavaScript Clean Code If you are reading a book, must have heard the book Clean Code Uncle Bob. If not then you do not need to read anymore, this repo is for you. It will help you which code to avoid and how to write to get clean code. Perhaps I have to read this repo daily, because every day my boss is calling stupid code

7. Web Security Basics 4.0 Technology era and want to walk with the powers of the five continents, so the basic knowledge of web security is also inevitable. Equip yourself with the basics of security in this repo, so you can get a higher salary, as well as avoid exposing sensitive videos.

8. How Web Works Last repo I want to share with you and I think the most important. You have been here and have read up to this line but everything is meaningless if we do not understand what is inside the report, how the network … worked to get the results. Things are not that simple, let’s mess with this repo with me.

So the article here is over, it’s time we say goodbye to the old year, step through the new year. Wishing everyone a warm Tet and useful information in the repo I have shared. Best regards and see you again in the new year!

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