
9 social networking and forum websites for developers (Part 2)

6. Find Nerd

Find Nerd is a networking platform which allows large-scale companies, independent software vendors, consultants and technology enthusiasts to collaborate on projects, share ideas and find technology solutions. Find Nerd also offers a Q&A forum section for technology professionals and amateurs to post questions and answers as well as blogs on a variety of topics related to web development, software development, mobile programming and more.

7. Geeklist

Geeklist is a global online platform for developers to connect with each other. It provides an online collaboration and social networking platform allowing developers to share project files, links, educational resources and other relevant content. Moreover, it allows developers to create communities which are focussed on relevant technology topics. Geeklist hosts over 2000 active tech communities which allows developers to communicate ideas and solutions.

8. Forrst

Forrst is a community website which caters to programmes and designers. The site allows professional developers and web designers to showcase their products and receive feedback from other community members. Forrst is an online collaboration platform which allows members to check out and discuss about new developments in the world of technology. The site allows users to build a profile page, share design ideas and post relevant articles.

9. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking website which has over 400 million members worldwide. The website caters to a range of working professionals from numerous sectors like information technology, business management, advertising, marketing, law and more. LinkedIn allows software professionals working in various domains to connect with each other and share relevant updates, news, articles and job listings.

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