4 years of texting the deceased father, the girl gasped when she received a response from the phone “on the other side”.

Tram Ho

Chastity Patterson – a 23-year-old girl in Arkansas (USA) recently met a very unexpected situation in her life. It sounds like a horror story, but it turns out the truth is a "plot twist" unpredictable: The father has lost 4 years suddenly … text her phone!

Talking a little more about the circumstances of the protagonist, even though he lost his father, she still texted his old phone number daily as a spiritual habit to remember. These were often sincere words about her life as well as what happened to her, like the way she used to talk to her father before.

4 năm liền nhắn tin cho người bố đã khuất, cô gái thảng thốt khi nhận lời hồi đáp từ điện thoại phía bên kia - Ảnh 1.

Patterson on graduation day.

Nothing will be worth saying if one day recently, she suddenly received a response from her father's phone number. Four years after he died, Patterson was truly startled.

It was not really a living uplifting story, but another man who was using Patterson's old SIM decided to speak up to her message.

"Hello, my name is Brad and I lost my daughter in 2014. My messages really helped me to have more motivation to continue this life. When I used my dad's old SIM and When I received the first message, I knew it was the message and gift God gave me, "the reply made Patterson distrust his eyes.

Both Patterson and Brad lost loved ones at the close of 2014, suffered a great mental shock. During those 4 years, Patterson always confided one way through text messages to his father's phone number, expressing his ups and downs as a way to clear his heart. She also talked about how she struggles with her cancer and how to take care of herself well, just like the promise she made to her dad the day before.

"I have read your messages silently for the past 4 years, tracking how I am growing up. There are times when I want to text but I don't want to hurt my feelings … Sorry because I have to undergoing such tragic pain when losing your father, but know that I am very proud to see what I can do, and my father will certainly have the same thought. "

After understanding everything, Patterson posted the story on Facebook and was immediately shared. "Fate has smiled to me today, from now on I am at peace to let him rest!" – Temporarily translate messages on Patterson's status line.

4 năm liền nhắn tin cho người bố đã khuất, cô gái thảng thốt khi nhận lời hồi đáp từ điện thoại phía bên kia - Ảnh 2.

Post soaked with tears shared a lot.

The most special thing is when Patterson revealed in a later post that his deceased father was actually a foster father, not related by blood but she always respected the most. He has never missed one of her school ceremonies, events in her presence, as well as many memorable confessions.

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Source : Trí Thức Trẻ