2 How to make protocol optional method in Swift

Tram Ho

Today, in this article I will share with everyone 2 ways to make protocol optional , according to which are its advantages and disadvantages.

Default Implement

The first way is to create an extension of the protocol and then initialize an empty method on that protocol .

With this approach didDismiss() would be an optional type. Now let’s try conform PickerViewDelegate to a class.

Well, complier doesn’t require us to install the didDismiss()


  • We can conform constructs to a protocol
  • The default setting inside the extension will automatically be used when we don’t implement that method in conforming style


  • In the case when an optional method returns a non-void value, we will need to catch up and return the value inside the default setting.

Objective-C ‘optional’ Keyword

Highlight the protocol with @objc and optional method with @objc optional/ optional :

With this approach, we don’t need to create an extension, just conform a class with that protocol:

With this approach, I believe that everyone encounters it every day but may not notice, that’s when we conform protocol UICollectionViewDatasource . When looking at the codebase of UICollectionViewDatasource , we can see that except for numberOfItemsInSection and cellForItemAt , the other methods have key word optional at the beginning, so when conforming UICollectionViewDatasource, we must initialize the above two methods:


  • No need to create extensions


  • Only NSObject subclass can inherit from a @objc protocol. This means we cannot conform structs or enums to the protocol .
  • If suddenly we need to call an optional method then we must add ? or ! after each method’s name (in case we force unwrap and the method is not installed, the app will crash):


Although the second way looks cleaner, I recommend everyone to use the first because it’s flexible. Today’s post has ended, hope everyone can know something from here.
Thank you for reading!

Reference : https://medium.com/better-programming/2-ways-to-make-protocol-methods-optional-in-swift-f032836a343b

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