
13 important JavaScript features you must learn!

Do you know what JavaScript programs can do? JavaScript has a number of special features that make it such a popular language. Javascript is a very handy language to learn today because almost every website uses it. The most interesting part of javascript is, you don’t need any prior knowledge of any programming language. You just need some basic knowledge of JavaScript.

JavaScript features

JavaScript is divided into two main features, as follows:

General features of JavaScript

The JavaScript language includes a number of different features. Some common JavaScript features are as follows –

1. Validate user input

JavaScript is very useful while using forms. It has the ability to confirm user input errors and also saves time. If the user leaves a required field blank or the information is incorrect, JavaScript checks them before sending data to the server.

2. Simple client-side computing

Because JavaScript is client-side technology, it can perform basic calculations on the browser. The browser does not require server time for every task. This is especially useful when users need to perform these calculations multiple times. In these cases, connecting to the server will take more time than performing the actual calculations.

3. Better control

JavaScript provides greater control over the browser instead of relying entirely on web servers. JavaScript provides different browsers with additional functions to help reduce server load and network traffic.

4. Independent platform

Because browsers interpret JavaScript, it solves the compilation and compatibility issues. Therefore, it can run on Windows, Macintosh and other Netscape-enabled systems. In addition, they can be embedded in any other scripts such as HTML that helps JavaScript use.

5. Handling date and time

Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript has built-in functions for specifying dates and times. Therefore, it is easy to encrypt using only methods like .getDate ().

6. Create HTML content

JavaScript has very handy features to automatically generate HTML content for the web. It allows us to add text, links, images, tables, etc … after the event (eg click).

7. Detect user’s browser and operating system

JavaScript is very capable of detecting user’s operating system and browser information. Although JavaScript runs on all platforms, there may be situations where we need a user’s browser before processing. This can be useful for writing code that leads to different outputs in different browsers.

Modern JavaScript features

If we dive into some of JavaScript’s recently added features, it makes it unique compared to other programming languages. There are many more modern features of JavaScript invented after some common features. Some of them are

1. Let / const

JavaScript introduced the ‘let’ and ‘const’ keywords available to replace ‘var’. Unlike ‘var’, they are very important because of their blocked scope, i.e. we can only access them in the block where we have defined them. While ‘var’, even if we initialize it inside the function, we can access it outside the function.

2. Arrow Functions

These functions are useful in simplifying the syntax and reducing the lines of code for web pages or web applications. Because these are lightweight syntaxes, they can be used very easily in anonymous functions in JavaScript.

3. Sample letters

This is a common feature in other programming languages ​​that allow you to save variables directly into strings. This proves to be an important tool for developers as it allows them to focus more on application development instead of spending time on syntax.

4. Array Functions

Although array functions are not necessary for any programming language, they do make things simple for developers. This also collapses the code and makes it much easier to understand. A regular array and an associative array, JavaScript supports both. While an ordinary array contains integer values ​​for its index, indexes can be strings for an associative array.

5. Default parameters

This JavaScript feature helps to avoid collapsing the whole code for a simple error. It is very useful when a developer needs to test the function’s operation without any parameters.

6. Property Shorthand

Integrated methods such as .get () are available for use by developers. These methods help avoid writing the same code each time and cutting down different lines of code. These methods really help cut development time and costs.


JavaScript has become interesting as well as a really interesting space to operate in recent years. JavaScript has completed a well-maintained, well-coded code base for the language that delivers high productivity, readability, and accessibility that’s also quite fun to work with.

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