
10 great resources to learn iOS programming

If you are learning iOS programming then the 10 great resources below are not to be missed!

1. Tutorials on Objective-C on Rypress page

If you are a novice to the Objective-C programming language (or are new to programming in general), this is probably the best online guide you can have. It covers almost all of the Objective-C basics needed for iOS programming. Of course, we all know that Swift is the future, but Objective-C is still alive, and it doesn't go anywhere. Learn these concepts before going further.

2. Apple's Swift language guide

If you are concerned about the Swift language (and you should be), then there is no better resource than the Apple document. You can find everything about this new language: syntax, control flow, collections, classes, and some of the great modern features that Objective-C's 30-year-old language doesn't support. Generics, tuples or closures are some of the features that only Swift has. My personal advice is – if you're starting to learn iOS programming, learn Objective-C, but also master Swift.

3. AppCoda

If you have mastered the basic knowledge of the above languages ​​(or one of the two languages), then you need to master the Cocoa framework. AppCoda is my number one website on my journey to start developing iOS apps . It allows you to deepen your knowledge through practice and well-written tutorials for beginners, for example: Hello World application in iOS, introduction to Storyboards and Auto Layout, how to create TableViews, use device cameras, send email and many other techniques. Be sure to register for information when there are new articles on this site!

Note: learn specific knowledge when you need them. For example, you don't need to learn about image processing right now if you don't need it in your current project. But know where to find this information when you need it.

4. Tutorials on the Ray Wenderlich page

Tutorials from Ray (and his team members) are based on the same concept as the AppCoda page above – great, step-by-step step-by-step tutorials for newbies begin. But Ray also provided advanced topics such as iCloud and Core Data integration, iOS networking, Core Graphics and Core Image, WatchKit and many other knowledge. The amount of knowledge here is enough for you to study for an entire year. There are also some free video tutorials for you.

5. NSHipster

NSHipster is an excellent resource for defined topics. Want to know about @IBDESIGNABLE? Or what is the difference between nil / Nil / NULL / NSNull, or instancetype? Read NSHipster and register to get interesting content.

6. releases monthly articles on best practices and advanced techniques in programming iOS and OS X. Each release includes a number of Cocoa topics defined as security and optimization. view controllers, Android (!), iOS architecture or iPhone camera. This is not a resource for learning syntax and frameworks; It is best suited for expanding your iOS knowledge in general.
7. NSScreencast

Ruby developers with RailsCast and iOS programmers have NSScreencast. This is a great source of video library including tons of iOS programming topics, from basic to advanced. You can learn about languages, system frameworks, and even open source libraries like AFNetworking or RubyMotion. Although the fee for this site is $ 9 per month, it is also worth the money.

8. Stack Overflow

This is not a tutorial site. Stack Overflow is famous as a place to ask questions for software developers, not just for iOS programmers . If you discover a bug in your code and don't know how to handle it, typing Search on Stack Overflow will have about 99.97% chance that someone has asked the question before and has Get the answer! If not, you can ask yourself a question and someone may help you.

9. GitHub

GitHub is a place to share your code with others. You can create repositories (public or private), access some great open source frameworks and collaborate with others. Personally, I think this is the best strategy to gain a lot of learning experience for you.
10. Netguru blog
The iOS development team at our Netguru is increasingly crowded, we will definitely write more about iOS programming! Is there any iOS topic you are interested in? Let us know in the comment section and we will write about them in the future!
Source: ITZone via
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