
10 best PHP tools for developers (Part 2)

6. Munee

Munee is an all-in-one library that handles many things related to optimization and manipulation of website assets. The library has a powerful caching feature that can cache resources in both server and client-side. It integrates well with the PHP image manipulation library: Imagine for resizing or cropping images (and caching them afterwards). Munee can automatically compile LESS, SCSS and CoffeeScript. And, it can combine CSS + JS files into a single request. Also, these CSS-JS files can be minified for a better performance.

7. PHPImageWorkshop

PHPImageWorkshop is an open source class using the GD library that helps you to manage images with PHP. This class is thought like photo editing software like Photoshop and GIMP: you can superpose many layers or even layer groups, each layer having a background image.

The class was thought to be the most flexible possible: superimposing an infinity of images (to add watermark), rotating (and not just 45 / 90°), resizing, cropping (thumbnail). An ImageWorkshop object is a layer AND a group at the same time. It has got a background image and a stack of sublayers on the top of its background.

8. Sylius

Sylius is an open source and free e-commerce solution for PHP (and based on Symfony2). It is capable of managing stores of any size and having complex products + categories. Products can have different tax rates, many shipping methods are supported and it is integrated with Omnipay (multi-gateway payment processing library).

9. Pico

Pico is an open source CMS application that is capable of very few things, which is the main point. It uses flat-files as the database and built with PHP. Simply, there is no setup and the app works instantly. The contents are stored in .md files, markdown formatting is used and they can be edited in your favorite text editor. For the designs/theming, Pico makes use of the Twig templating engine and it is documented well.

10. phpMyFAQ

phpMyFAQ is a pretty stable and open source PHP F.A.Q. application that has many features for building a good F.A.Q. system. A powerful admin interface exists for managing the categories, entries, users and also viewing the stats. It is possible to enable users to ask or answer questions and comment to them or keep it admins-only. There is an advanced search system empowering users to locate the related answers with ease. The F.A.Q. page has some ready-to-use modules like “most popular, latest or sticky questions”. Its look and feel can be customized with HTML-CSS, interface has multi-language support and all questions-answers can be exported as a PDF (with automated table of contents).

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