10 best bug & user tracking tools (Part 1)

Ngoc Huynh

Although bug tracking is one of the most important tasks when your app is still in the development phase, issues may still rise in the production phase after your app went online. In the “bug-collecting” process, it can also be useful to enable your users to give you instant feedback, or allow them to ask questions in case they don’t understand how your app works.

Luckily, these days there are many great bug and user tracking tools you can use to quickly fix issues in your app, shortly after they arise. With this post, we intend to provide you with a collection of powerful tools that enable you to effectively collect and manage bugs.

This is done either by collecting them directly from your users or team members, or by understanding how people use your app from monitoring their behaviour. Doing so not only eliminates bugs, but also improves user experience, and increases customer satisfaction.

1. Bugherd

Do your clients need to fill out lengthy forms on your site, or create annotated screengrabs just to report a bug? With Bugherd, you can free them from this burden. It allows you to embed feedback directly into a website, so bugs can be flaged and managed visually. When your clients report their issues by making annotations right on your site, Bugherd turns them into a full report you can use to quickly fix the problem.

Your users only need to use a guest access then point, check, and describe the bug they found in your app to generate a report. Bugherd can also be integrated with many popular apps, such as Jira, Basecamp, or Zapier. Apart from client feedback, Bugherd also provides you with team collaboration and task management tools.

2. Doorbell

Doorbell helps you gather in-app user feedback on websites, iOS and Android apps for free. All feedback that have been received will be automatically tagged by sentiment analysis, and classified as positive or negative. You can also create your own tags for grouping messages, and perform text searches across all your messages.

Doorbell is already integrated with Pivotal Tracker, Asana, Jira, and many other project management and issue tracking tools. You only need to send the feedback coming from your customer straight to the project management system or issue tracking app you use. You can use JavaScript, iOS, and Android SDKs to set up Doorbell in your app.

3. Usersnap

Usersnap will provide anyone who works on a web project with a handy visual bug tracker. Usersnap can even be your central place to organize feedback and collect bug reports. It gives your users the power to report bugs where they happen with point-and-click annotation tools and without the need to switch to a bug reporting app or form.

Usersnap will follow your own working style whether you use Agile methods, Scrum, or Waterfall development. This app also works with the tools you already use such as Slack, Asana, Zendesk, etc. You will also be assisted in organizng communication among designers, developers, the quality assurance team, and your customers.

4. Taperecorder

Taperecorder is an SDK (software development kit) that allows you to record videos about what users are doing in your app. You will be able to track, analyze, and enhance the numerous ways people use your product. Taperecorder automatically collects events you are tracking with your analytics, and displays them next to the video.

This app also gives attention to user privacy with automatically pixelate sensitive information. Just select what you want to record, and only watch videos that matter to you. Taperecorder is available for iPhone and Android, and its SDK is compatible with Apple’s App Store review guidelines as well.

5. Jira

Jira is a popular development tool for Agile teams to plan and build great products by closely following issues and the whole development process. Jira is a complex software with features like flexible planning, accurate estimations, value driven prioritization, transparent execution, actionable result, and scalable evolution. Jira can be used to organize issues, assign work, follow team activity, and many others.

You can also use it to improve your team’s performance based on the real time visual data you get as reports and you can enhance Jira with add-ons as well. Moreover, you can integrate it with tools you already use, such as Confluence, Bitbucket, Hipchat, and others. After the 7-day free trial, it is available for $10 month for a small team and $75 for a growing team.

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Source : http://www.hongkiat.com/